The objective of the Alliance Center for Research & Education is to allow faculty and doctoral students to expand the boundaries of their work.
Nurturing world-class research, enhancing the globalization of curricula, and experimenting with global teaching innovations.
The Center has been active in funding research projects, case-writing efforts, Ph.D. travel related research, MBA and Career Development presentations and short-term research visits at the partner school.
In 2020-21, funding was awarded to 14 new research projects despite the moratorium on travel, and activity is ongoing in numerous other projects.
The Alliance sponsored the second New Directions in Leadership Conference. The success of this conference has led to the funding of the New Directions Series: New Directions in Identity, which took place March 2018.
Faculty and Ph.D. student collaborations include the Accounting, Decision Sciences, Economics, Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, Finance, Legal Studies, Management, Marketing, Operations, Information and Decisions, Organisational Behavior, Statistics, Strategy, and Technology and Operations Management Departments.
Click here for Project Proposal Request Form
Lab Sharing
There is a “lab sharing” agreement between INSEAD Sorbonne Behavioural Lab and the behavioral lab at Wharton.The details are generally as follows:
- INSEAD faculty can run cross-cultural studies at Wharton without a Wharton co-author. Wharton faculty can do the same at INSEAD’s lab. Faculty’s own research budgets need to pick up the costs at the other institution.
- Wharton faculty can run studies at INSEAD if they have exhausted their subject pool for a particular project (i.e., to avoid running studies with “professional participants”, those who come back again and again for the same types of studies). INSEAD’s faculty can do the same.
Knowledge Portals
A project has been initiated after a proposal by Professor Mauro Guillen to launch on Knowledge at Wharton and INSEAD Knowledge. The focus is on “Emerging Market Multinationals” and topics include innovation, employment, M&A, talent, and social purpose.
Global Research & Education
For more information, contact:
Guillaume Roels, Research Director
Michele Anna Klekotka, Administrative Manager