Wharton-INSEAD Alliance | Management


Erika H. James, Dean of The Wharton School


Thomas S. Robertson, Executive Director, Wharton-INSEAD Alliance; Joshua J. Harris Professor, Professor of Marketing.

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Francisco Veloso , Dean of INSEAD


Guillaume Roels. Research Director of the Wharton INSEAD Alliance; Professor of Operations and Technology Management

Alliance Contacts

MBA Student Exchange

Amy MILLER, Director, Wharton MBA Program Office
amymill@wharton.upenn.edu | +1-215-898-8834

Urs PEYER, Dean of Degree Programs, INSEAD MBA Student Exchange
urs.peyer@insead.edu | 011-33-1-60-72-40-14

Cindy TAN, Campus Exchange Manager, INSEAD MBA Department
cindy.tan@insead.edu | +011-65-6799-5403

Ph.D. Student Exchange

Gidget M. MURRAY, Associate Director, Wharton Doctoral Programs
gmurray@wharton.upenn.edu | +1-215-898-2619

Alina JACQUET, Director, INSEAD Ph.D. Programme
alina.jacquet@insead.edu | +011-33-1-60-72-43-32

Faculty Exchange

Michele Anna KLEKOTKA, Administrative Manager (Wharton)
klekotka@wharton.upenn.edu | +1-215-898-9410

Suzanne SELLIER DI SANO, Alliance Manager (INSEAD)
suzanne.sellierdisano@insead.edu | +011-33-1-60-72-41-15

Global Research & Education

Michele Anna KLEKOTKA, Associate Director (Wharton)
klekotka@wharton.upenn.edu | +1-215-898-9410

Prof. Guillaume ROELS, Director, Alliance Research Center (INSEAD)

Dorothée SIMON, Research Controller (INSEAD)

Prof. Javier Gimeno, Dean of Faculty (INSEAD)

Executive Education

Prof. Patti WILLIAMS, Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education

Prof. Sameer Hasija, Dean, INSEAD Executive Education

Anastasia VOUTSINAS, Director, Client Relations
execed@wharton.upenn.edu | +1-215-898-1776