The Doctoral Consortium is a three-day forum for PhD students from INSEAD and Wharton to present their research and foster collaboration across institutions and disciplines. In the spirit of academic diversity, submissions from all INSEAD and Wharton doctoral programs are invited.
The Consortium includes student presentations, keynote presentations, and panel sessions led by INSEAD and Wharton faculty. Effort is made to give accepted students the opportunity to meet with faculty members either in-person or via video-conference. The Consortium also includes social events both on campus and off-site.
The 13th Annual Doctoral Consortium (2024)
Plans are underway for the next Doctoral Consortium, which will take place in the Fall of 2024 on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus.
The Planning Committee for the 13th Annual Consortium has now been formed. From INSEAD, we have Priscilla RODRIGUEZ, Devanshee SHUKLA, and Pulkit YADAV. From Wharton, we have Anna GAO, Xufei LIU, and aya SHCHETKINA. Initial planning and date selection will occur shortly. Details will be shared with all PhD students in the coming months.
Click here for Funding Request Form (Consortium Planning Committee Only)
The 12th Annual Doctoral Consortium (2023)
The 12th Annual Doctoral Consortium was held in November 2023 on INSEAD’s Singapore campus. The conference was a great success and offered Wharton students an opportunity to present and discuss their research in a collaborative, multi-disciplinary environment as well as to exchange ideas with the INSEAD PhDs in their field. Participants also received feedback from several faculty from both schools.