Wharton brings a network of 96,000 alumni present in 153 countries and a network of 77 alumni clubs. INSEAD brings a network of 38,400 alumni present in 160 countries, 43 of which have National Alumni Associations.
Joint alumni global events have been held around the world, including a May 2002 Alliance Economic Forum in Paris; a November 2003 “Evening with the Deans” in New York, a series of Alliance Alumni events in the fall of 2004 (in Singapore, Tokyo, and San Francisco); special Alliance dinners at the Wharton Global Alumni Forums 2005 in Singapore, London and Santiago, all “in association with the Wharton INSEAD Alliance.”
National Alumni Associations of both schools organize Executive Dinners and other events.
Contact us for more information about Wharton-INSEAD Alumni events.